Comments on: BREAKING: What the Supreme Court Is About to Do with Trump’s Travel Ban Will Have Heads Spinning! Sat, 10 Jun 2017 07:23:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Billie McClune Sat, 03 Jun 2017 20:55:19 +0000 The Travel Ban has been blocked , as the swamp dwellers and Shadow people were still working to get these Radical people in and put in place. President seen the danger and wanted to close the barn door, before the horse got away. He was one step ahead of them and he has a keen mind set. This is the reason he got to be the Wealthy and successful man he became. He was one step ahead of there trickery , on this Climate fraud. The climate fluctuates constantly and varies. We do need to continue cleaning up our oceans , waters and protecting our animals, like the Bees . Lets concentrate on these and not line the pockets of these greedy good for nothings, who only see a way of stealing more money from us , with some ridiculous nonsense. Gorsuch will do the best he can for America as he is a wonderful human being Together we can all make a difference.
