OUCH! Kaine and Lynch are BOTH in Deep DOO DOO! What they said is INEXCUSABLE!

As you probably already know, a crazy left wing activist opened fire this morning on the GOP participants and hit 5 people.  Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana in in critical condition. (VIDEO BELOW)

We are calling for liberal leaders do not cease and desist their hate speech stop calling for everyone to “resist” pour “blood in the streets.”  That’s right, the left wing Democrat establishment and Crooked Liberal Media have actually been calling for people to violently resist.  If they do not stop this now they will have even more blood on their hands.


Two of the worst culprits are former Vice Presidential candidate and Senator from Virginia, Tim Kaine and former Attorney General, Loretta Lynch.  Watch this.  You won’t believe it. This is REAL!! This is SICK!  This is REALLY SICK!


Yes, you just heard it right.  She called marching, blood on streets, and maybe even death. What the…..  (ONE MORE VIDEO CLIP BELOW…… IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND)

Then you have the super left winged nut job himself, Tim Kaine calling for Democrats to fight against Trump “in the streets”.


**Here’s the whole story in 3 minutes.  This must be SHARED!  We must end this epidemic of liberals calling for violence! 

Source: Swamp Drain

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