CHECKMATE: Trump Just DESTROYED CNN With One Brilliant Tweet They Don’t Want Going Viral

Another win for President Trump came early Monday morning, when he schooled CNN and other leftist media for failing to adequately cover the massive improvement in our job numbers and the global fight against ISIS.

“At some point the Fake News will be forced to discuss our great jobs numbers, strong economy, success with ISIS, the border & so much else!” Tweeted President Trump.


Our Commander-In-Chief has continued to hold the media accountable for dedicating a criminally disproportional amount of coverage to the ongoing Russia investigations. All at the expense of reporting on rock solid economic indicators and military advances in the fight against ISIS. It’s also hard to ignore the President’s signature confidence, suggesting with the tweet that he believes his administration’s forward momentum will inevitably force the media to reshape their narrative.

With President Trump, what you see is what you get, and that is all he’s asking from the media. This country needs to move forward and let go of petty grievances and halfcocked rumors. We need to support our fearless leader and his record-breaking administration by shining a light on this crooked reporting whenever possible.

SHARE this with the world if you want Trump to keep the media honest!

Source: Liberty Writers