After Ellen DeGeneres Insults Trump On TV, She Just Got Slammed With TERRIBLE News

Ellen DeGeneres recently interviewed Megyn Kelly on her show when she said something that upset many people, including her fans. Kelly told Ellen she’d welcome President Donald Trump on her new show, Megyn Kelly Today.

Ellen responded with, “I just, you know, he is who he is and he has enough attention and he has his Twitter account and he has ways to get his message across. There’s nothing that I am going to say to him that is going to change him and I don’t want to give him a platform because it just validates him. And for me to have someone on the show, I really, I have to at least admire them in some way and I can’t have someone who I feel is not only dangerous for the country and for me personally as a gay woman but to the world. He’s dividing all of us and I think I don’t want him on the show.”

Just hours after this occurred on live tv, Ellen DeGeneres got the worst news of her career.

MANY of her own fans turned on her for saying such an insulting statement about our President, Look:







Are you happy now Ellen? As Your OWN FANS have pointed out, you are just participating in the division in this country and have lost the respect of many of your viewers. President Trump is one of the most pro-gay presidents we’ve ever had and for her to say he is “dangerous” to her is just a big joke.

Has Ellen lost your respect? SHARE this to Facebook if YES! Thank you for reading and God Bless!

Source: The Lutchman Report