Hillary Heaps Praise on Bill for ‘Not Tweeting About Problems’ While President — However…

President Donald Trump still occasionally takes the time to poke at former political opponent Hillary Clinton, despite the fact that the election has been over for over a year.

In the last week alone, he has tweeted at the former first lady twice. First, he took aim at her tenure as secretary of state:


Then, with Clinton continuing to explain away her loss — blaming everyone but herself — Trump took aim at her as a candidate:


Clinton, who spent Saturday celebrating the 25th anniversary of President Bill Clinton’s first election, swung right back at Trump (specifically his Twitter habit) as she made remarks to the crowd gathered at the Clinton Presidential Center:

  • “He didn’t tweet about it, he went to work about it, and he actually got things done. Between tweeting and golfing, how does he get anything done? I don’t understand it. Maybe that’s the whole point.”

Her mistake, as some quickly pointed out, was forgetting the fact that Twitter did not exist until five years after her husband left office:






Source: Conservative Daily